Short Short Story

This is the short short story we wrote with our partners.


            “It is coming, run run,” Peter shouted, breathing hard, “we need to go, hurry up!”

“Please calm down Peter,” Mombi said, holding onto Peter calmly.

“But… but, they are coming Mombi. Please don’t stay here,” Peter pleaded, tears visible in his eyes.

Mombi let go of Peter and started running to calm Peter down, “Peter!” Mombi shouted, “come this way I know a safe place where we can be away from them.”

They ran towards the dining room and stopped in the middle.

“See, we escaped. There is nothing that can hurt you,” Mombi whispered with a soothing voice.

“Thanks, Mombs. We are safe now,” Peter gave her a childish grin, looking relieved.

“Okay, okay. Now it’s time for your candy. Don’t forget to swallow it with water,” she reached for her pocket and took out Peter’s medicine.


Peter smiled, looking sleepy. Mombi cradled him in her arms and carried him to his room.

“My poor boy,” Mombi started crying silently, “why must it be you?”



I’m Proud Of


This year I accomplished so much that I cannot choose one of them. I learned new words, met new people, improved my english and learned about poems but the thing I’m really proud of is, I wrote a story. I’ve always wanted to write a story bUnknownut left it at the middle of it whenever I got start. I really can’t understand how I managed to write the story I did. I seriously thought I was going to fail the assignment because I wouldn’t be able to finish it. I’m really proud of myself because I finally finished a story and I think I did a pretty decent job. This experience taught me that I can do everything, even write a fourty-nine page story, if I try hard enough. I learned the format of a story and some grammar mistakes that I have been doing for years.

       I’ve been learning a lot of new things from my classes. My mistakes are really funny and I always start laughing when I thought about them. The words I made up and the way I say some of the things… I’m trying really hard this year, probably even more than last year. The essay’s and the speech’s I’m writing are getting better every day. I’m also getting better at talking in front of a lot of people. Whenever I’m in front of people I become so nervous that my heart starts beating really fast and my hands become cold. I’m trying to get over my fear and I feel like I’m getting better at it. It’s making me feel relaxed and be proud of myself. I just have to keep it up so I can be calmer in front of other people.

       The other thing I’m proud of is my club activities. I’m in the KANSADER club and we are trying to help the families of people who has cancer. It was my dream to be able to help people and make them happy. Even though I think we didn’t do much to help them, we are trying and it’s making me feel useful. I really like being able to help the little children and seeing them smile at me. I think I scared them because of how big I was smiling. I’m also in the hiking club and you wouldn’t believe the places we’ve been to. p1260468-1WithThey were amazing. It was really tiring since we walked like twelve km but it was amazing. You should see the city from the top of a mountain when it’s slightly fogged and sun is shining. I would have walked all that way again to see the magnificent scenery once more. The hundred years old trees and the wild strawberries we ate, the birds and even the branches of trees that’s poking us. They were all worth it.

I feel like everything I did this year was useful and I really don’t want this year to end. We are already in the middle of the year and I don’t want my class, teachers or subjects to change. Even though this year is a bit hard, I know it will be harder other years and I do not want anything to change. I’m really happy and I feel like every day I come to school will be helpful and full of fun memories. I feel sad when I think I have to change my class because I’m really proud of them too for being such good friends and people. They are smart, kind and fun. I hope that I can have a little more time with the friends I have.


Reflection On The Short Story Unit

I enjoyed everything in our story unit since I really like writing stories. But if I had a chance to change something I would have wrote my story earlier and add more details, characters and action. I had so many ideas and little time because I left most of my story to the last minute. Even so I learned a lot of things from this unit. This unit taught me how to write dialogs and I really appreciate that.  I had trouble with writing dialogs before but I am pretty good at writing them now. I also learned the format of a story and I get to read short stories. I can’t really say that I learned much from them, they were really good stories but I didn’t learn anything that I can currently use in my life. But I learned a lot of things about myself. I learned that I am   able to find creative topics for my stories and I can write a actual story if I can try hard enough.

Duru Koçak